I just wanted everyone to know we made it home this afternoon- I wasn't able to get into my email to send info to my blog after Tuesday- So I need to catch up on our days in Ethiopia- what a wonderful adventure it was.... so bittersweet to come home without our girl... hopefully very soon- I can go get her forever! After I catch up a little- I will fill in the blanks on our trip- and add some pics! There is so much to process- I don't want to forget a thing I saw or experienced there- Praying now for a fast embassy investigation and CHEAP tickets to go back and get her- right now plane rides sound like the least fun thing!!! Came home to my kids both sick with stomach distress..... made me sad I wasn't here- hard to be torn between continents- we need to all be together- right now we all need SLEEP! More soon, I promise!
Welcome home! As if you haven't been through enough life changing in the past year, world travel does even more of that doesn't it? So glad you made it back safe & sound...looking forward to every little morsel & tidbit of news!