Yesterday it started.... the nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach, especially when I look at her pictures! Yesterday- the day I found out that our paperwork hasn't even been submitted yet to the US Embassy! Maybe I was wrong to assume that it should have been. Our court date was July 21- I thought for sure it would have been submitted within two weeks of that date- by Aug. 4.... We obviously didn't make it for the Aug. 18 embassy date, honestly I didn't think we would- or we would be packing frantically! I did think however, we would have a STRONG chance for Sept. 1- I can make it until then..... if I have to wait past that date- frankly- I might die! That is the part that makes me want to puke! And cry!
My wonderful hubby made a little call and we did find out that our paperwork would be submitted by August 18- but with a "small possibility" of getting in on Sept. 1 for embassy- just typing it makes me want to throw up! If the end of August comes and goes and we don't have a "date", you might want to check on my hubby and kids here at home, because I'm on the next plane to Africa! Seriously, people..... I just can't let it go on---- and on! I'm already devising my strategy, and it just might work... I'll let you know! PLEASE pray that we get in on the 1st of Sept.... I am GOING TO GO INSANE if we don't! It will just be better for everyone! I assure you! In the meantime, I will just keep watching the snippets I have of her- and keeping some lemon juice and smelling salts nearby- blah!